Monday, October 01, 2001

Greetings to all my friends who inspired me to try this. I suppose that I should say something funny or profound but as usual my brain has decided that it is done for the day. Just as well I suppose.

If you ask someone their opinion on something at least have the courtesy to let them respond before you tell them they are an idiot! This happens to me at work A LOT. I have no problem in hearing other ideas or point of views so long as mine are heard as well. That’s all I ask, just let me complete my thought. Then feel free to point out that I have no idea what I am doing and that you are surprised that I have the mental capacity to tie my own shoes. ARGGG

And we’re back.

So, yeah….I love my job ;-)

Oh, I got mail today!!! And not bills mind you. Nope, today I got fun mail. My tickets to Boston arrived today. Why is this fun? Because it means that in a month or so I will be visiting the closest thing to an older brother I ever had, my friend Al. So, even with work kinda being annoying today is a plus all in all.

Well, football is on now so I have to divert my attention for a bit. Hopefully I’ll stick with this thing.


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