Thursday, February 12, 2004

I noticed the other day at the grocery store that the condoms are sold in the Feminine row. Why do this to me? As many of you know that row and I did not like each other much in high school. To be honest it still weirds me out. Irrational? Yes. But real to me nonetheless. So to put that particular item in that particular place is going to make it all that much harder to fell comfortable shopping for them. I don't know why I never noticed before. I think they must have moved them because I don't remember them being there before. Odd...maybe I was just really focused and missed it completely last time :) It just seems to me that a better place for them would be in the Men's products aisle. Unless I've completely missed the mark here I think the store is going after the wrong target audience. I'm of the belief that they should come in cases of beer. What a great advertising synergy that would be, don't you think?


People that are REALLY into Valentine's Day (for the wrong reasons) annoy the hell out of me. I have no problem with those who look forward to the day as a day to spend with their significant other, but the ones that sit around wondering (ALOUD mind you) and worrying about what they will get deserve to be hit. The commercials around this time of year are even worse than Christmas. Case in point, this gem of a radio ad: "When you purchase a diamond from us, you become the guy the other girls use to compare their man against. [Ladies voice] Did you hear what Bill got Tanya? All I got was...." Yes, because isn't that what your motivation for gift giving should be? Out doing the next guy for fear of being called or perceived cheap. Proving yet again that you have the bigger penis. A love pissing match if you will.

Sorry about that. This time of year has always bugged me. Even when I was in a relationship. Dedicating a day to love seems to cheapen it. Sort of what Earth day does to recycling. I don't need a holiday to remember to do either, thank you very much Hallmark.

So, I'm getting cabin fever. Which is funny since I rarely spend time in any one place for more that a few days. I think that it's just because I've been cooped up inside for the last few weeks. I miss being outside. Strike that. I miss being outside without the fear of getting frost bite. I miss seeing the sun. Anyone else feeling like this? All my dreams of late seem to be centered around golf and my bike.


I want the hours between 8:00 and 10:45 from last night back. I feel as though I was cheated out of them. I watched "Eyes Wide Shut" yesterday and was thoroughly pissed. It made ZERO sense. And worse yet it kept me thinking that it would. Plus, I couldn't get that damn piano music out of my head today. Just awful.

Whew...I feel better. Sorry for the disjointed nature of this post but to be honest my mind has been doing this for a while. Sort of jumping from one odd topic to another. I blame lack of sleep, too much travel, and the winter blahs.

Later all..


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