Wednesday, November 05, 2003

So, I’m sleeping better now. Not great but better. I think I need a vacation. Not a three day weekend, but a vacation. A week or so would be nice. But the work schedule will not allow that for at least 2 more months. Plus, where would I go :) Ugg. So, till then I will just have to hope that the few days off that I have planned will sustain me till December.

My “tour” of Illinois was interesting last week. Longest day in the OR ever on Friday, 8 AM to 5:50 PM, but I got to see some things I had never seen before this trip. Doctors dancing in the OR (I've dubbed the dance the "Sterile Field Stomp"), citrus based mutually assured destruction (two brothers in a hospital cafeteria + argument + a bag of orange wedges = vitamin C standoff) and the oddest hotel bed I have ever slept in.

The last one has a story behind it. I've been to a certain hospital in Illinois a few times over the last couple of months and I always stay in the same hotel complex. They have a nice bar/grill, the young female bar staffers always call me "Hun" or "Stud" (she got a nice tip) and the rooms are always clean (a BIG plus in my book). They also have theme rooms. I've never been in one but I've seen glimpses of them. They have names like "The Sultan" and "The Castle". Well, I must have gotten a bed from a decommissioned room because this was NOT the norm for hotel beds. It had a step ledge around it, a very ornate carved wood frame and headboard, and it had a wood canopy that was about 7 feet above the bed. The canopy was held up by carved wood pillars. Very gothic. I actually walked back to the front desk to make sure they didn't give me the wrong room. Even the bench in the room was out of place in my mind. It had spires on it that look like an old cathedral front. I have to admit that the bed kinda grew on me by the end of my stay. The only real issue was that when I woke up the next morning I forgot about the step. I caught myself as I fell but it wasn't my most graceful moment.

Oh and if I ever say that I have "no problem" with driving that far by myself again you all have permission to slap the hell out of me. 1200 miles by yourself in a car is not fun, especially when you are left to your thoughts for 8 hours on the return trip home. I did learn one very important thing: Route 90 is EMPTY between 11:00 PM and 2:00 AM.

I’m off to a wedding this weekend in VA. It should be a nice break from my routine. Plus I get to hang with a good friend from my college days. Ahhh, memories ;) I think my name tag is going to read “Guest”. Actually I hope it does so I can lie about my name. I’ve always wanted to call myself Xavier for some odd reason. Too may comic books I guess. Anyway, time for bed.


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