Friday, March 26, 2004

Who's the big winner here tonight?

So, here is a list of things I learned while in Vegas:
1) If I stay up for 24+ hours after flying I become "cranky and bitter" :)
2) Just because you don't extend your hand to accept the cards and magazines from the people on the street doesn't mean you won’t end up with a few of them anyway.
3) Having no open container laws is awesome!
4) Everything is $20 in Vegas. Everything: cab rides, cover charges, a pack of batteries (4 of batteries, or $5 a piece), meals, and anything else you can think of.
5) 6 guys + 1 room + finicky AC – house keeping = funky smell in room that will NOT go away. This was a funk that fought back!
6) If you don't pay attention your friends will try and convince people that you are the groom-to-be.
7) No matter what they say, they really don’t mean it…Except for the one girl, I'm sure she liked me ;)

So, the actual stories that go along with the above statements will stay mine for while longer. If for no other reason than telling them would take too much space up and probably would get me in trouble ;) But, needless to say I had a blast in Vegas. I don’t think I'll be going back anytime soon though. That town has a way of warping ones sense of reality.

So, now it’s back to the daily grind. Actually, after this trip I don't mind sitting at my desk and working quietly. Although I swear I hear the slot machines still. That sound has been burned into my mind.

This weekend will be all about getting things ready for summer. The cars will be cleaned and the oil will be changed. My bike will get its first bath of the season and then I will take it out and get it dirty all over again. Somewhere in there I have to air out my place. Essence of Loki has taken over the first floor. I may even steam clean the carpets if the mood strikes me just right.

Other than that I plan on taking it easy for a while. I think I need to get back into a nice routine for a little bit. All this activity has worn me out :)

Oh, does anyone else find it disturbing that our President is cracking jokes about the fact that no WMD's were found in Iraq? Anyone? Bueller? What the hell was he thinking, "Yeah, ooopps, sorry about that one y'all. I know we lied to get your support to go in there and all but it's a funny picture of me bent over looking under a couch isn't it?" I have a feeling that the next few months are going to be fun to watch. As much as I supported what he was doing a year ago I feel I bit betrayed at this point. Time for a changing of the guard. Like father like son...if we are lucky.


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